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Everything you need to know.

Everyone wants to have beautiful and healthy hair

Hair stem cell transplant method can make this dream come true. HST is a revolutionary patented method of transplantation based on decades of stem cell research. HST is perfect for all those who want to look good with nice thick hair – men, women, or old.

If you are looking for the best hair transplant possible, HST has proven to be more effective than any other technique leaves you with a natural result that lasts a whole.

Dr. Coen Gho

The driving force of the Stem Cell Clinic is Dr. Coen Gho. His commitment to improving the lives of patients and innate passion for the science formed the basis for the development of the stem cell transplant technique. When Gho worked with young burn victims in his years when he was young doctor and researcher, he found that hair transplants were painful treatments that often left large scars. He thought that all had to change.

Gho realized that the key to making a difference was in hair stem cells. He was successful in securing funding for stem cell from several large corporations believed the inspired young doctor could change the situation. This led to years of intensive research, produced an innovative medium that stimulates tissue renewal.
This was a major breakthrough in his research and an important basis for subsequent stem cell transplantation. As an inventor and developer, Gho obteined this method.

His desire to improve the hair transplantation tecnics only increases. Driven by his research, Gho wanted to achieve his possibility – in the future – to obtain a thousand hairs from a single hair. he contacted Dr. Martino Neumann, international professor in the following fields: dermatology, oncology and phlebology. He was skeptical of Gho’s ideas but he took him under his wing to conduct the research.

Partial longitudinal follicular unit transplantation, under the simpler acronym of hair stem cell transplantation. Dr. Coen Gho, physician and researcher, has conducted research with academic universities and hospitals around the world and is affiliated with the International Society of Burn Injuries (ISBI).

Gho also collaborates with the Red Cross Hospital Burns Beverwijk and the European TissueRepair Society. He has developed various new therapies and methods for scalp burns. With endless drive and vast experience in hair, stem cell and tissue engineering , he tirelessly refines HST technique and makes treatments even more patient-friendly.

Hair Science Institute

Hair Stem Cell Clinics continuously improve the technique and innovate. Our research and development department is the Hair Academy, which together with the clinics forms the Hair Science. We are the only hair transplant clinic in the world to have our own training research facilities. Clients of the Hair Stem Cell Clinic benefit from the experience and innovations developed in our institutes. Our research and development department works continuously perfecting our patented HST technique, structurally improving the and the effectiveness of medical treatments. Furthermore, we want to work in the most cost effective and efficient way possible for the client. We are a partner in the scientific research. We realise clinical studies in partnership with academic universities and world wide hospitals.

The objective of the Hair Science Academy is to train excellent medical personnel in the field of hair care in personalized training programs. Doctors and nurses receive intensive training in the HST method within the framework of a sophisticated practical theoretical program.

The Miracle of Hair Stem Cells

Hair stem cell transplantation harnesses nature’s power by tapping into the capacity of human stem cell regeneration. The particularity of this innovative technique is that only small part of the hair follicle, rather than the follicle is taken from the donor area.
This small patch of tissue contains enough cells to grow new hair in the area. It’s a small miracle: this capacity of regeneration translates into more hair from a single. New grafts are tightly bonded creating high hair density and an aesthetically pleasing line.
A special patented preservation solution stimulates growth increases the vitality of the grafts, making them more efficient. This integrated approach is the basis of our sophisticated hair transplant, which increases hair growth in recipient and donor areas.

The method is extremely effective, a completely natural end result, with high hair density and minimal scarring.

The day of treatment

The hair stem cell transplant usually takes place the day after the treatment. We start by taking pictures and anesthetizing the area to be treated. This is followed by harvesting the grafts. You won’t feel anything, everything what we ask for, your patience. Stay alert all throughout the day and not be under the influence of any sedatives. In the meantime, you can call or stretch your
The doctor will then mark the recipient area. Then we will offer you a lunch of your choice. In the afternoon, after applying the anesthetic, the doctor prepares the recipient, after which the technician applies the grafts in a new position.

Once the treatment is finished, the doctor will carry out a complete check-up and take some photographs. You will receive instructions and everything you need for tracking.

The follow-up/contact times are set at one day, week and one month after the treatment to see what happens. You can always contact us between these intervals.

Is the treatment painful?

Hair Stem cell Transplantation is a safe cosmetic medical treatment, HST does not cause discomfort or little. Our treatments leave no scars and the leather generally recovers quickly. The treatment is performed under local anesthesia and you will not feel anything during the procedure.

immediately after the treatment you can go back to your home. The skin will recover a few days after the procedure. We also give you tips and advice to ensure optimal recovery and the best outcome. If you have any doubts about the process or the side effects, you can contact the specialists at the Clinic for a quick consultation.

Is the end result permanent?

The results of an HST are permanent. Transplanted hair follicles continue to produce hair all your life. This is the most effective treatment to densify them and give them more volume. Microscopic grafts to ensure a natural looking high density implant.

Feel like home

Hair stem cell clinics operate according to the highest medical standards. Here you can always rely on the best competence the best possible professionalism. But we also want you to feel at home and to be able to relax. This is why we all make you feel comfortable. From the first appointment to the final check, we make sure you have everything you need and again.

During treatment, you are under the care of dedicated specialists. You will be taken care of by a team of experts who will organize everything: a delicious lunch, a wonderful star hotel, taxi services, relaxation and what you need to make your experience a pleasant one.

It's worth it!

Hair Stem cell Transplantation is an investment for yourself. It helps you feel good about yourself and makes you feel comfortable again. Feeling like this is priceless. Hair stem cell transplantation is a state-of-the-art procedure: a scientifically proven treatment performed by leading professionals, providing results that last a lifetime.

The costs of this treatment are mainly, but often not only, determined by the number of grafts that are transplanted. If your baldness is the consequence of an illness, or a burn, the costs may be covered by your health insurance. We will be happy to inform you further at this. Regardless of your situation, we will always provide you with a clear quote before the procedure which shows a 100% transparent cost calculation.

The best of the best

HST is the best hair transplant technique available. It offers the best results and it has demonstrated to be effective with a solid scientific base.

The main advantages of this patented method are that it minimizes scarring, creates a high density of and a natural looking result. HST leaves more hair in the donor area removes less than other hair transplant techniques. An additional feature of this technique is the use of a unique patented medicament medium that gives new grafts an extra strenght. This patented method is performed exclusively in Stem Cell clinics by specially trained physicians.

Are you looking for the best technique for your hair transplant?

You found it!

Our hair stem cell clinics are located in Lausanne, Milan, Maastricht, Amsterdam, London, Paris, Cap d'Antibes, Dubai, Hong Kong,and Jakarta.

The Hair Stem Cell Institute is a renowned stem cell and treatment institute. We have performed thousands of medical treatments since 2005 when we opened our first clinic. To continue to optimize the HST technique, Dr Gho leads an international medical team.

Who is it suitable for?

What is hair loss and what causes it?

Everyone loses their hair every day, a completely natural thing. Increased loss occurs in certain areas of the scalp when hair falls out faster faster than it grows. If the follicles shrink, hair cannot be produced, it dies and cannot grow back. Ciò porta comes conseguenza a capelli sottili e indeboliti zone più o meno estese di calvizie.

Generally, there are three causes of male and female pattern baldness:
● ageing;
● the influence of hormones;
● hereditary baldness .

Is hair stem cell transplantation the right solution for me?

We have to take a number of factors into account. The hair stem cell transplant method may be suitable if:

● you have suffered from hair loss for long enough and baldness has developed;
● you have enough quality donor hair ;
● you are healthy for treatment
● the root of the hair has receded, for example, from an operation;
● you have lost your hair as a result of burns.

Getting the right diagnosis is essential. During a free and non-binding consultation, our medical technicians will take the time to discuss with you your wishes and your expectations, so that we know what we can do to solve your problem.

Can anyone be treated with HST?

In principle, any person with hair loss can be treated. But you can find out more to find out if this approach is right for you with one of our doctors during a free, no-obligation consultation. In some situations, a hair transplant is not for example, you may be too young.

Can scarred areas be treated with the method?

A characteristic of scar tissue is that hair growth never recovers. But thanks to the HST method, the growth of hair can be restored on the scars, even if the donor is limited. Our staff can offer you expert advice on the matter.

Is the HST method also suitable for the treatment of burns?

For more than 28 years, Dr. Coen Gho, physician and researcher, has been closely involved in the development of new medical and therapeutic methods for people with burn scars. The results of these studies led to the development of the HST method, which has been a development for many people over the past years in terms of physical and mental recovery.

We cooperate with various burn care centers in the Netherlands, Belgium and Germany.

Can eyebrows be treated with the HST method ?

With a eyebrow transplant, the eyebrows are thickened restored. The HST method uses instruments of precision and very little recovery time; the eyebrows heal very quickly. The treatment is carried out in a very natural way and with excellent results.

Can the HST method be useful for thickening the beard and mustache?

Hair stem cell transplant is a good one to fill in beardless places. The HST method is extremely suitable for a beard transplant, no scar is left in evidence, which makes this technique much more suitable than conventional hair transplant methods.

Why you can't treat hair with "afro" structure in most cases

Because it is not possible to treat hair with an “afro” structure in most cases This is because hair with an afro structure also curls under the skin. In this case, the effectiveness of the HST method varies person to person. For the options available, please contact us for your personal situation.

We recommend discussing this with one of our experts

It shouldn’t be a problem. However, it depends on the condition of the donor area. Sometimes, this area can be so damaged that we are limited in the number of grafts.

I am not satisfied with the transplant done by another clinic.Can you solve the problem?

Hair Science Institute specializes in the correction of unsatisfactory or failed treatments performed by others clinics.

Hair Science Institute

What makes Hair Science Institute different from other clinics?

The HST method is a scientific and patented hair transplantation technique that has proven effective in many cases. The results of the Hair Stem Cell Transplantation method are simply unprecedented and no traditional transplantation technique can be compared.

What is the difference between FUE and HST transplant techniques?

Click here to read more.

Personal Consultations

Is the personal consultation free?

The consultation is not free but the cost will be deducted from the effective intervention if the client decides to perform.

Who carries out the consultation and who does the intervention?

The consultation and treatment are carried out by a certified technician. The technician and the consulting physician will perform the treatment.

What does the consultation consist of?

Tips can be very useful for you like us. You will discover the technique, receive personalized advice and the opportunity to ask questions. You can discuss options, wishes and expectations in detail with the doctor. An individual treatment plan will then be agreed together.

How many treatments do i need?

Of course, it depends on the size of the file to be processed. One of our doctors can assess your situation during a free, no-obligation consultation. In our experience, a single treatment is usually sufficient for slight hair loss at the temples of the hairline or a little baldness.

Does my health insurance cover hair transplantation?

In general, health insurance does not cover hair transplants. However, in certain cases, our treatments may be covered by health insurance under the terms of the policy. This is usually the case when treatment is medical or in the presence of severe psychological distress. For example, scars and burns as a result of and/or medical intervention.

How much does a transplant cost?

The price depends on the number of grafts. The number of grafts that we can take varies depending on the quality of skin and hair, the size of the donor area , the presence of scars and the client’s wishes. An indication can be found in the “Price” section.


Should I shave my hair or let the treatment grow out?

If you want the donor area to be unshaved during the treatment, it is recommended that the hair grows from the back of the head and on the sides to a length of at least 8 cm. However, if your hair is shaved, more grafts would be removed, which would produce the best results. Of course, this last possibility is rarely practiced in women for aesthetic reasons, unless it is requested.

Can i color my hair?

You can colour your hair up to one day before the treatment.

The treatment

How long does the treatment take and how?

On average, a single treatment lasts an entire day, from 7:30 am to 5:00 pm. In the morning, you will lie face down on the ground while the grafts are removed from the donor area. Then there will have a short break and invite you to have lunch with us. After lunch, we will make the holes in the recipient and then implant the grafts. In the afternoon, we will “get you back on your feet”. During the treatment you will be able to watch movies and breaks.

Is the treatment painful?

Thanks to the new technique developed by Dr. Gho, you will experience almost no pain with HST.
Of course, local anesthesia will be applied to the area to be treated.

How many follicles can be transplanted with just one?

In a normal procedure, we can transplant up to 2000 follicular unit grafts in one day of treatment. A graft contains up to three follicular units.
However, the number of grafts needed depends on ​​your pattern of baldness and your wishes. Additionally, the number of transplantable follicles of the size of the donor area and the scars present.

How many grafts can be made per cm²?

One day of treatment, 30-35 grafts per cm². During a subsequent session, this density can be increased to a maximum of approximately 50 grafts per cm².


How long are the signs of the treatment visible?

Wounds created after an HST treatment session are so small that they require virtually no healing process. After a small number of days almost nothing is visible. Within a week, all visible signs of the treatment disappeared. Within one week, all visible signs of treatment disappear.

Will any scars remain after the treatment?

As we work with needles up to 0.6 mm in diameter, no scars will be visible. This means you can have any hairstyle you want in the future.

How many grafts will "survive" ?

In theory you should be able to keep all follicles. However, the grafts are more vulnerable in the early stages following treatment and some may be lost. You can minimize the loss by following our instructions.

What can i do if i am not satisfied with the result?

We take our treatment very seriously and are only satisfied if we get the best results. The satisfaction of our customers is important and we do our best to ensure that they are satisfied. Despite our care and our best efforts, you may still not be satisfied. We will always receive all complaints and will do everything we can to find a solution. All you have to do is contact us and send the complaint as clearly as possible by specifying what it relates to. We will contact you as soon as possible and do our best to resolve the situation in a manner.

After the treatment

When will I be able to wash, dry, color or style my new hair?

Washing with shampoo and drying: four days after the treatment.
Coloring and permanent: one month after the treatment.

Can I resume work and continue my sporting activities after the transplant?

Sports or intense physical exertion are only recommended in the first two weeks after treatment. However, you can return directly to your daily work.

Can I fly or leave immediately after treatment

You can fly immediately after treatment. But to allow the wounds to heal, it is necessary to expose oneself to the sun as long as all the scabs on the skin have not disappeared.

Can I drive immediately after the treatment?

 Yes. No medication will be given during treatment that may affect your ability to drive. This means that you can take the treatment home immediately.


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